Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bill C-51

I have been asked by some friends and clients why I haven't commented on Bill C-51 yet. My answer is that I don't want to come out of fear and anger; that is what I have experienced around me with people that have heard of this Bill. If we fear, which is a natural reaction, we will not progress. On Tuesday evening I listened to more than 30 people express their concern, fears and hope over a proposal for a wellness based, addiction recovery centre in my community. The reading was passed unanimously by council. The reason it was passed was because the stories of success, hope, caring, compassion outweighed those of fear and anger. Concerns were addressed with knowledge, experience and compassion. That is what wins. So I ask that you take a look at this Bill with understanding and compassion and you address it by sending your stories of success, caring, hope and compassion to parliament. Help them understand why it is so important for you to walk into a store and have the freedom to purchase the products that help you live your life to it's healthiest potential.

Thanks for your care and your help,


If you believe that this Bill is not in your best interest please forward this blog to your friends, family members and coworkers. Please help to get the message out to as many Canadians as possible as quickly as possible. At the bottom of this blog are some other ideas on how you can help spread the word. Please make sure to sign this online petition (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/billc51) when you're done.

On April 8, 2008, Bill C-51 was introduced into the House of Commons by The Canadian Health Minister, The Honourable Tony Clement. Bill C-51 passed its first reading on April 9th. It is now scheduled to go to second reading on May 8, 2008. (To read up on how Bills are passed into Laws, click here)

What is Bill C-51? Bill C-51 will amend the current Food and Drugs Act and will make consequential amendments to other Acts AUTOMATICALLY. Bill C-51 will have a major impact on natural health in Canada and restrict the choices Canadian people have when it comes to their health and choice to purchase health products. Click here to view Bill C-51 on the Canadian Government's website. Here's what Bill C-51 has the ability to do:

  • Remove democratic oversight, bypassing elected officials to vote in laws and allow bureaucrats to adopt laws from other countries without our consent.
  • Remove 60-70% of all Natural Health Products from Canadian stores. Many others will be available by prescription only.
  • Restrict research and development of safe and natural alternatives in favour of high risk drugs.
  • Punish Canadians with little or no opportunity for protection or recourse for simply speaking about or giving a natural product without the approval of government. More than 70% of people in Canada use a Natural Health Product. The new law goes so far as to warrant action against a person who would give another person an “unapproved” amount of garlic on the recommendation that it would improve that person’s health.
  • Allow inspectors to enter private property without consent, take your property at their discretion, dispose of your property at will, not reimburse you for your losses, seize your bank accounts, charge owners shipping and storage charges for seized property, be empowered to store your property indefinitely, and levy fines up to $5,000,000 and/or 2 years in jail per incident.

How can you help? Forward this email to your friends, family and coworkers (please, no unsolicited email) If you have a blog or personal website, add some content all about Bill C-51 and provide people with information on how they can help (please use any part of this blog) Take a look at this excellent kit for consumers from the CHFA - you can use any of this on your website....or create a link Contact your local MP and let them know that you are against Bill C-51 and you want them to vote against it www.snipurl.com/localmp Write a hand-written letter to Tony Clement stating your views about the Bill - Sample 5 (suitable for a consumer) - Francais Letter to Minister of Health, Download and print copies of postcard. English Francais Talk to your local press (newspapers, magazines, television and radio) Ask the leaders in your community to get involved Sign this ONLINE PETITION

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