Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tip #4 of 13 Tips to A Healthier Me

Feed your body and mind with daylight.

If you sit inside all day going from your house to your car to your office then back to your car and back to your house you are missing a vital and essential nutrient; it's daylight. Daylight stimulates your pituitary to help regulate your internal clock. The pituitary gland also produces melatonin, which helps you sleep and seratonin which helps you get up on the right side of the bed in the morning, if you know what I mean. Seratonin uplifts the mood and makes everyday sunny.

During the summer your body is making and storing the very important nutrient vitamin D. Getting out in the sun for 20 minutes a day will allow your body to make adequate vitamin D. Your skin has to be exposed without sunscreen; just your face, arms and legs is fine. Vitamin D supplementation and light therapy in the winter is important in Canada. Right now just gt out in the day and have fun!

If you want light for those dark and rainy days read more here, just click on Light up Your Life!

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