"I am wondering about a certain product and wanted to know if you have heard anything about it or know of something that is similar? It's a lean detox kit"-S in Edmonton
Well what it is is CLA, which is a type of fat that helps to burn fat. CLA is naturally found in grass fed, free range cattle. In that form it is good and healthy and makes the red meat healthy, in moderation. The problem is, is that most meat does not contain CLA because of how it is raised. It's not that saturated fats are bad, it's that the cattle are not raised healthfully.
Okay, so the CLA in capsules is made from sunflower oil that is altered. Many, including the companies that make it of course, will say that this is good for you for weight loss, cancer treatment, etc. I have had a researcher tell me the opposite, that man-made CLA is like a hydrogenated/altered fat and is not healthy. I tend to go on that side because I am for the things that are closest to natural.
That said CLA is not the answer, it is a quick fix and temporary. The feedback that I have gotten from customers at supplement stores over the years is that yes it does work if taken consistently for at least 3 months. After that a maintenance dose is still needed to keep results. It is an expensive quick fix and not a real answer.
I know that you already know the real answer of eat well, stay away from refined carbs (anything white), limit carbs to one whole grain dish per day. Eat lots of veggies, especially dark green ones, limit sweet stuff (no refined sugar), get ample protein every day... Then exercise and reduce stress levels to compliment healthy eating.
That is part of the answer, but you already know that. If you are already doing these things then there may be something else going on; a system imbalance and stress. Here is the thing. Stress will wear out your adrenals and in turn tax your thyroid and in turn mess up your metabolism and in turn cause sweet cravings, which tax your adrenals more and cause more stress and continue the cycle.
Okay so don' t let that scare you or stress you because you can change that. For now:
Support your system with quality protein such as organic chicken and eggs, fish and spirulina. Drink plenty of water and take 2tbs Barlean's brand flax oil every day. Barlean's is fresh and actually tastes good. Healthy fats are needed for proper metabolism and hormone production. Add ground kelp to your cooking. Kelp is a good source of iodine and iodine is needed to support a healthy thyroid.
Start with that.
When you are feeling that you are ready to take on a bit more, let me know. I can help.
1 comment:
MARISSA YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I FEEL THE SAME WAY. i too have been stressed out lately and stressed out over the years.
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