This afternoon I was feeling a little tired and then made it worse by blaming my sleepiness on what I ate. I know I'm not supposed to do that. I had a muffin because I was tired, bored and I just felt like it. It was a tasty muffin with banana and blueberries and was from a really good cafe in town. I thought for some reason I was getting the gluten free muffin. As soon as I broke it apart I knew it was wheat. This isn't a huge problem for me, I just avoid wheat, especially large amounts, because I know that it makes me tired after an hour or so. I ate it anyway because, well, I wanted to, I wasn't concerned about the after affects and it was so tasty. I put it in my head that because it was made at a lovely little cafe (Zephyr's) by a caring baker and did contain some really healthy ingredients that I would be just fine. I also gave Reiki to the muffin, just to be sure. I enjoyed every bite guilt free, I really did.
Then in about an hour I started to feel very tired, slightly irritated and a bit depressed. That's when the regret came. The "ah, I should have known, now I have to endure the effects for the rest of the day, what did I do that for, duh!" Again all the things I don't recommend doing or thinking. I was on my way to the Wednesday (3-7pm at the store) farmer's market in Brackendale at that point. The road was being paved so I thought I would take the back way, only to find it was being paved as well. Then I thought I had taken the wrong way and wasted my time. I breathed, turned on the CBC radio 2 Drive and listened to a Manu Chao song. That made me feel better, how could it not. Then I decided to do an experiment. I believed that having wheat would make me feel a certain way and it did. What if I decided that I could change the way wheat makes me feel by simply changing the way I feel. The song had started to help and next, the market would.
I got to the farmer's market and saw 3 smiling faces sitting in front of 3 tables. There was maple syrup, fresh greens and indoor composters. I was already feeling energized, happier and motivated. As I talked to sellers my energy increased. The farmer from The Good Time Farmer's (best farm name ever) was showing me his greens that had bolted to seed and had also flowered. He gave me some sprigs to taste test. Mmmm, tiny kale, leaves with little yellow flowers, purslane with tiny flowers poking out the centre. Amazing! What was more amazing was all the side effects from eating wheat had disappeared. We talked about gardening, when the tomato plants would be ready for planting outside and how I had grown lettuce on my windowsill this winter. It was inspiring and exciting. I also got a demo of a brilliant indoor worm composter.
I won't be eating another muffin any time soon but I will be working on my beliefs about them more and more. The more I remind myself that I am the only one who thinks my thoughts and that changing my thoughts changes my feelings the easier it becomes. Like anything it takes practice. Start practicing, why not?
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