Friday, January 2, 2009

Weight loss and weight gain?

"What foods are known to increase or decrease metabolism?" is a question asked by many. Usually they want to know either/or, more commonly how to increase metabolism in order to lose weight. There are others who do want, and sometimes need to gain weight. It can go either way and both can be a physical and emotional struggle.
If you are looking to speed up your metabolism the following foods are helpful: Heating spices such as cayenne and hot chilies. These are used in Ayurvedic medicine for those who have a slowed digestion and body type called Kapha. However spicy foods can aggravate Pitta types. Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil (look for non-deodorized) is great for metabolism because it supports the thyroid. Bake with it, spread it on toast with a little agave and cinnamon or use it for cooking. Get the whole story here.
If, on the other hand, you have a hyper metabolism and find it difficult to gain weight try these foods: Green leafy vegetables with nuts and seeds. The coconut oil is good here too. Eat more of greens, nuts and seeds and less grains and sweet fruits, which are burned quickly. Root causes can be bowel toxicity leading to poor absorption of nutrients, thyroid imbalance, parasites, candida and others. It is best to consult with your practitioner to find out what is going on and how to address it.

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