Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tips for a holiday filled with ease, joy and good times.

Tips for attending parties:
  • Have some greens before you go. Greens like spirulina or a powdered green drink will help to ward off sugar cravings and stop you from overeating.
  • Don't starve yourself all day. Have light and very healthy meals during the day. Starving yourself in preparation for a big dinner will make you eat more than you can handle and feel like a stuffed turkey after.
  • Load up on veggies and have smaller portions of the starchy and fatty foods. Plate your food instead of grazing at the appetizer table. Then go into another room to enjoy.
  • Drink water to stop sugar cravings. Make sure you are well hydrated and drink 1 glass of water for each alcoholic beverage.
  • Bring something healthy but ever so tasty to contribute. Take a look at my blog for recipes. Tips for hosting a party: Be sure to have pitchers of water available for your guests.
  • Provide lots of veggie dishes; they can be tasty and creative to impress!
  • Make portion sizes smaller.
  • Have seating in other rooms to encourage people to eat away from the buffet table.
  • Provide entertainment that will keep your guest busy and having fun. Games, dancing...


ley said...

Hello Marissa,, I found it very useful blog you have.. so much useful tips. I love it :)

Marissa Schiesser said...

Thanks Ley, glad you enjoy it!