Spring is the time when we clean up the yard, get the garden going, plant seeds and clean out the garage. It is also the time to clean up our diet, clean out our bodies and plant ideas and projects. Traditionally New Year's is the time we set resolutions and new goals. Yet so many find it difficult to follow through with their New Year's resolutions. Whether it is to lose weight or quit smoking many find it difficult to stick to a new healthy regime . There is a logical reason for the failed New Year's resolution and it has nothing to do with will power, it's just not the right time! In January the days are very short and dark, the weather is cold and our bodies are in hibernation mode. For those of us living in the cold winter season that is. During that time it is difficult to take on a cleansing diet of fresh fruits and vegetables and light cooling foods because our bodies need warmth. Light and cooling vegetables such as cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes and sweet peas are not in season here and are therefore not the ideal foods to be eating. In the middle of the winter seasonal vegetables in our area are the remaining stored root veggies such as potatoes, carrots, cabbage and onions. Along with those a typical winter diet consists of grains, meat and legumes. We crave those foods for a reason. Now that's not to say that we can't eat healthy during the winter. These are all very healthy foods and contribute to a healthy body and mind. It is just that we don't have to beat ourselves up for eating starchy foods and gaining a little extra weight. During the winter our metabolism slows down and the lack of light is a contributing factor for a slower thyroid (our metabolism regulator). To bring a little more light into your days get some full spectrum lights. These lights are great for stimulating the endocrine system and are helpful all year round as most people do not spend enough time outside in natural daylight. Also getting exercise every day will help to increase metabolism and decrease cravings. Water is super important too. Keep these things going while you wait for the weather to warm up, which is the real time to start cleaning out the body.
Spring is the time to set health goals and put them into action. As the grass gets greener and the flowers start to bud and the days get longer our enthusiasm and energy starts to increase. Our motivation grows as does our desire to exercise more and eat lighter. The liver and gallbladder start to move into action and send us the message to cleanse by eating fresh and slightly bitter greens. These green leafy veggies naturally start growing at this time. Nettles are the perfect example. They grow in abundance and contain the minerals and nutrients to nurture our bodies as well as detoxifying properties. Getting outside to pick nettles and then properly preparing them is a great way to shift yourself into spring.
So as we move into spring ask yourself what you truly want for the year to come and then figure out how to put those wants into action and make it happen!
If you are not sure how get into action and feel you need guidance and motivation take a look at these programs to help you become A Healthier Me.
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